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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Cara Meningkatkan Daya Ingat

Cara Meningkatkan Daya Ingat – Bagaimana cara mudah meningkatkan daya ingat agar tetap fresh dan terjaga kemampuanya. Kita semua tau seiring bertambahnya usia daya ingat semakin hari akan semakin melemah. Maka dari itu menjaga daya ingat agar tetap bagus kita harus memperhatikan beberapa hal yang mugkin kita anggap remeh atau sering kita acuhkan. Ok langsung saja cara meningkatkan daya ingat dibawah ini:

1. Makan roti bakar untuk sarapan
Roti bakar merupakan alternatif konsumsi karbohidrat yang baik untuk daya ingat. Sebuah studi dari Tufts University menemukan bahwa, orang-orang yang menghilangkan karbohidrat dari diet mereka memiliki daya ingat yang lebih buruk.
“Sel-sel otak membutuhkan karbohidrat, yang akan diubah menjadi glukosa,” kata Robin Kanarek, PhD, profesor psikologi di Tufts University.
Pilihlah biji-bijian dan karbohidrat kompleks lainnya, karena akan dicerna lebih lambat. Pencernaan yang lambat akan memberikan pasokan glukosa dengan lebih baik dan efisien.
2. Latihan fisik sebelum bekerja
“Olahraga meningkatkan aliran darah, sehingga sangat membutuhkan oksigen dan glukosa sebagai bahan bakar,” kata Sandra Aamodt, PhD.
Sebuah penelitian dalam jurnal Neurobiology of Learning and Memory menunjukkan bahwa seseorang dapat mempelajari kosa kata 20 persen lebih cepat jika mencoba untuk menghafal setelah melakukan latihan fisik yang rutin.
3. Mengubah font pada memo dan catatan sehari-hari
Menurut penelitian yang dipublikasikan dalam jurnal Cognition, menggunakan font yang berbeda dapat bermafaat untuk meningkatkan retensi atau kebuntuan ingatan jangka panjang. Berfokus pada font baru dapat membuat otak dan pusat pengolahan bekerja sedikit lebih keras, serta meningkatkan daya ingat.
4. Browsing selama jam makan siang
Menurut sebuah penelitian baru dari University of California, Los Angeles, menghabiskan satu jam sehari untuk online, seperti browsing sesuatu yang yang menarik atau yang hal yang berhubungan dengan hobi dapat merangsang bagian dari lobus frontal yang mengontrol memori jangka pendek.
“Sirkuit neural yang terlibat dalam pengambilan keputusan, visual spasial, dan kemampuan verbal menjadi sangat aktif ketika melakukan browsing di internet. Namun jangan hanya melakukan browsing yang tidak melibatkan proses berpikir,” jelas Gary Small, MD.
5. Mengingat tempat parkir kendaraan
Banyak orang yang sering melupakan tempat parkir kendaraannya. Perhatikan di mana kendaraan diparkir, kemudian gerakkan bola mata dari sisi ke sisi setiap setengah detik selama 30 detik sambil berdiri di tempat.
“Berlatih gerakan mata sederhana dapat meningkatkan memori jangka panjang Anda hingga 10 persen,” kata peneliti di Manchester Metropolitan University di Inggris.
6. Minum sedikit alkohol saat makan malam
Peminum alkohol berat memang dapat menyebabkan kehilangan daya ingat. Namun sebuah studi baru menemukan bahwa, minum alkohol dalam jumlah sedikit sebenarnya dapat menurunkan risiko penurunan daya ingat.
Dalam analisis yang diterbitkan dalam Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, peserta penelitian yang mengonsumsi sedikit minuman beralkohol per minggu memiliki risiko terendah mengalami gangguan kognitif. Hal tersebut dibandingkan dengan peserta penelitian yang tidak minum sama sekali dan yang terlalu banyak minum alkohol.
7. Flossing sebelum tidur
Membersihkan gigi dengan benang gigi (dental floss) tidak hanya baik untuk gigi, namun juga baik untuk otak. Bila tidak membersihkan gigi dengan dental floss dapat menyebabkan gusi menjadi meradang sehingga memudahkan bakteri buruk untuk memasuki aliran darah.
“Setelah masuk aliran darah, bakteri dapat menyebabkan peradangan di seluruh tubuh, termasuk otak, yang dapat menyebabkan disfungsi kognitif. Membersihkan gigi dengandental floss (flossing) 2 kali sehari ideal untuk menjaga kebersihkan gigi dan mulut,” kata Jonathan B. Levine, DMD, seorang profesor dari New York University.


Google, Yahoo, dan Bing Bekerja Sama membentuk

Google, Yahoo, dan Bing Bekerja Sama membentuk Sangat aneh dan canggung saat membaca salah satu artikel dari “Google, Yahoo, dan Bing bekerja sama”. Sangat janggal bukan? tapi jangan berburuk sangka dulu. adalah sebuah situs yang dibentuk dengan tujuan sebagai standarisasi para webmaster dalam mengembangkan sebuah web atau situs untuk mempermudah search enggine dalam mengakses data, seperti itu yang saya tangkap dari artikel techcrunch.

Sesuai denga namanya yaitu kumpulan skema dan tag HTML sebagai acuan bagi para web master dalam mengembangkan situs agar lebih terstruktur, sehingga memudahkan mesin pencari mengakses situs mereka. Jadi bisa dibilang ini adalah patokan standar yang disepakati oleh ketiga search engine raksasa tersebut Google, Yahoo, dan Bing. Wahhh… bakalan seru ini dunia search engine kedepanya. Jadi dalam waktu dekat ini struktur sebuah web atau situs harus memenuhi standar dari agar bisa mendapatkan posisi yang bagus di hasil pencarian.


Cara Membuat Animasi Bergerak

Bagaimana cara membuat animasi? mungkin banyak yang bertanya cara membuat animasi beregrak/ gambar bergerak. Teryata bisa sangat mudah membuat animasi dengan software Easy Gif Animator Pro dan hasilnya juga keren. Ok pada kesempatan ini saya akan berbagi sedikit cara membuat animasi dengan menggunakan software gratis alias free.
Langkah pertama tentunya sobat harus download software yang di butuhkan, Easy Gif Animator Pro. Software ini adalah software animasi yang sangat mudah dalam menggunakanya. Sobat tidak perlu mengetahui banyak bahasa program animasi, cukup dengan beberapa klik saja dengan langkah yang tepat maka sebuah animasi sudah berhasil di buat.
gif Cara Membuat Animasi Bergerak Easy Gif Animator
Sebuah objek gambar yang dapat bergerak, tentunya akan terlihat lebih menarik, dasar inilah yang melahirkan film kartun, yang dikenal juga dengan istilah animasi. Untuk membuat sebuah animasi tidaklah sulit, anda cukup membuat beberapa gambar yang merupakan suatu rangkaian yang membentuk suatu pergerakan. Jika yang dibuat adalah sebuah pergerakan yang kompleks maka dibutuhkan gambar yang cukup banyak, dalam animasi cara seperti ini lebih dikenal dengan pergerakan frame by frame (bingkai per bingkai).
animasi motor Cara Membuat Animasi Bergerak Easy Gif Animator
Animasi ini juga mewarnai dunia komputer, terlebih di jagad internet, anda cukup mudah menemui animasi sederhana yang menghiasi berbagai halaman web, mulai dari button, banner, dan gambar. Salah satu format gambar yang mendukung penyimpanan gambar animasi adalah GIF. Dengan bantuan aplikasi Easy GIF Animator anda dapat berkreasi untuk membuat sebuah animasi berformat GIF. Anda dapat membuat button, banner, dan gambar animasi sekaligus dengan aplikasi ini.
Easy GIF Animator, menawarkan kemudahan, dengan tampilannya yang cukup user friendly dan dukungan fitur wizardnya, anda akan dimanjakan untuk membuat animasi, bagi anda yang pemula sekalipun. Saat anda menjalankan aplikasi ini, maka akan tampil menu start up yang menawarkan pilihan apa yang akan anda lakukan.
Terdapat pilihan [Create New Animation] untuk membuat gambar animasi, [Create Animated Banner] untuk membuat banner animasi, [Create Animated Button] untuk membuat button animasi, ketiga pilihan Create tersebut cukup mudah diikuti, anda cukup memilih gambar, warna, ukuran, teks, dan beberapa setting lainnya.
Setelah proses pilah-pilih selesai anda akan masuk ke jendela utama aplikasi, di sini anda dapat bereksperimen lebih jauh, jika belum puas dengan pilihan yang ditawarkan wizard. Pada sebelah kanan jendela aplikasi terdapat tab [Edit] untuk mengedit gambar dan tab [Preview] untuk melihat animasi hasil. Sedangkan pada sebelah kiri jendela aplikasi terdapat Story Board dari animasi, di sini anda dapat melihat gambar apa saja yang menyusun sebuah animasi, anda pun dapat menambahkan, mengurangi, serta mengaturnya.
Sebagai awalan disediakan beberapa animasi dalam format GIF pada folder samples, yang dapat dilihat dengan mengklik menu Open (Ctrl + O) atau di File > Open dan selain itu juga terdapat beberapa templete buttons yang dapat anda gunakan. Untuk mendapatkan contoh file animasi berformat gif yang lainnya, anda dapat mencarinya di internet. Atau anda ingin langsung berkreasi membuat animasi, silahkan saja.
Panduan Bergambar – Membuat Animasi GIF dengan Easy GIF ANimator
Cara ini pasti menurut anda paling simple dan mudah. Karena dengan Easy GIF Animator anda dapat membuat animasi GIF, baner animasi, button, mengedit animasi GIF, menambahkan efek visual membuat efek text bergerak, melakukan optimasi animasi GIF agar leih cepat, seting perulangan dan durasi frame, mengkonversi animasi GIF menjadi grayscale, eksport animasi GIF menjadi AVI, menggenerate kode html untuk menampilkannya di website, membuat animasi dengan suara, eksport animasi GIF ke SWF Flash,Siapkan software Easy GIF Animator. Semua hal diatas dapat anda buat dengan mudah dan cepat hanya dengan mengikuti panduan wizard .Saya berikan contoh-contoh screenshot :
2 Cara Membuat Animasi Bergerak Easy Gif Animator
jalankan programnya dan pilih mau buat apa
3 Cara Membuat Animasi Bergerak Easy Gif Animator
pilih gambar yang akan dimasukan kedalam animasi gif nantinya
4 Cara Membuat Animasi Bergerak Easy Gif Animator
seting timing waktu dan loopingnya
5 Cara Membuat Animasi Bergerak Easy Gif Animator6 Cara Membuat Animasi Bergerak Easy Gif Animator
7 Cara Membuat Animasi Bergerak Easy Gif Animator
Saya rasa demikian dulu seputar Cara membuat Animasi gambar bergerak denganEasy Gif Animator. Semoga bisa membantu sobat membuat animasi keren, tentunya karya sendiri.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

how to get verified on twitter


Twitter started verifying user accounts back in June to reduce cases of celebrity impersonation and mistaken identities . If you are a Twitter user and want to get your account verified, there is this User Verification form you can fill, but the chances that you will get a Verified Account badge are very low unless you are a famous personality or work at Twitter.
Anyways, it is worth a try, you might just get lucky. To improve your chances, you can add a Twitter badge linking to your Twitter profile on your website.
How to Verify your Twitter Account
To get your Twitter account Verified, just log in to your Twitter account,  fill theAccount Verification Request form  and submit it.
While you are at it, also follow me on Twitter.  :D

Top 10 Best Gaming Laptops


The popularity contest for gaming platforms goes to the consoles, but the enthusiasts know that if you want to experience the true quality a game has to offer, then PC gaming is the way to go. Desktops will give you that extra oomph, but sometimes portability is a necessary factor for LAN party-goers or traveling pros. For those looking to take their game mobile without sacrificing too many frame rates, PCMag has rounded up the best laptops.
Most gaming laptops aren't what we in the business call "ultraportable" (unless you're the Sony VAIO VPC-Z1390X). The smallest designated gaming rig I've ever encountered is Alienware's M11x (Core i7); a 4.5-pound laptop. It packs quite a punch for an 11-inch laptop, managing 32.7 frames per second (fps) on our Crysis benchmark test—a respectable score considering its size. However, if you want to bump up your frame rates high-end components need room, which is why its 15-inch brother, the Alienware M15x, can pump out Crysis at 60fps on medium quality.
It's important to remember that what a laptop lacks in high-end components, it makes up for in battery life. Big GPUs and CPUs require lots of power to keep their components running, so that's why the M11x will give you 5 hours and 21 minutes of relative computing life and the M15x will give you a mere 2:13. Unless you're the type to carry around an extra battery or two, road warriors may want to factor this into their purchase.
Below are 10 of our best gaming laptops, all have gone through our Crysis test and all have come out around 30 frames per second or better.
AVADirect Clevo X7200 : AngleAVADirect Clevo X7200

$4,957.64 Direct
This is a gaming rig made especially for the hardware fanatics who want to brag about specs without hauling a full desktop. It's perfect for that crowd, but complete overkill for anyone else.
Gateway ID49C13u : AngleGateway ID49C13u

$849.99 street
The Gateway ID49C13u seduces with an aluminum design that not many can pull off for $850, let alone put in premium components like a Core i5 processor and Nvidia Geforce GT 330M graphics.
Dell XPS 15Dell XPS 15
$1,115 direct
The Dell XPS 15 is unlike any other desktop replacement out there, thanks to its long list of firsts.
Alienware M11x (Core i7) : AngleAlienware M11x (Core i7)

$1,175 direct
There's no better laptop made for road gamers than the Alienware M11x (Core i7).

Alienware M15x (Core i7) : AngleAlienware M15x (Core i7)

$3,244 direct
The M15x is the first Alienware laptop to transition to Intel's Core i7 processors, but the M17x is looking like the better pick when it gets the same Core i7 treatment.
Asus NX90JQ-A1 : AngleAsus NX90JQ-A1

$2,530 street
The pair of Bang & Olufsen ICEpower speakers on the Asus NX90JQ-A1 is unlike anything you've seen on a laptop and targets serious audiophiles.
Asus U41JF-A1Asus U41JF-A1
$857 street
The Asus U41JF-A1 is the most well-balanced mainstream laptop, combining excellent power with all-day battery life.
HP Envy 14-1110NR : AngleHP Envy 14-1110NR

$1,050 list
With its fast parts, a bright screen, and a high-end audio system, the HP Envy 14 is one of the most luxurious 14-inch laptops and also the heaviest and least battery efficient.
Sony VAIO VPC-Z1390X : AngleSony VAIO VPC-Z1390X

$3,800 direct
The Sony VAIO VPC-Z1390X is, hands down, the lightest and most powerful ultraportable money can buy.
HP Pavilion dv7-4283cl : AngleHP Pavilion dv7-4283cl

$999.99 list
The HP Pavilion dv7-4283cl desktop replacement laptop is fast as it is battery efficient.


Top Ten Antivirus 2012


Antivirus software companies are working round the clock to improve their software to combat with virus and malicious codes over the internet. It is about time when antivirus firms are about to roll out their latest 2012 version of antivirus software. We are already testing the beta software to come up with our latest article on top ten antivirus 2012so that you can install the best software and protect your computer. Since the numbers of viruses and malicious codes is increasing with a high pace, we will be testing all the leading antivirus and internet security programs aggressively to come up with our list of the top 10 antivirus software. In our top ten antivirus 2012 review we will be showing the test results of 20 different security software. By mid of 2011, most security software providers will launch their 2012 version of antivirus and security software. These are the antivirus programs we have short-listed for our review.

Top Ten Antivirus 2012

Here is the list of the best antivirus and security software of all times. Among the top are BitDefender, ESET, Norton, F-Secure, Kaspersky, TrendMicro, AVG, Avira, Zonealarm, Panda security and more. We will be running comparisons between different versions of the same security software, for eg., 2011 version vs 2012 version. We will be also comparing between the capabilities of different security software, for eg., BitDefender vs Norton. Based on the performance of various different antivirus security software, we will give them scoring. The factors on which we will score antivirus software: Speed, stealth, detection, link scanning, removing virus, updates, blocking bad websites, blocking phishing attempts, technical support and lots more factors. These are the antivirus programs we will be testing to come up with our top ten antivirus list:

Top Ten Antivirus 2012

  1. BitDefender Antivirus 2012
  2. McAfee Antivirus 2012
  3. Kaspersky Antivirus 2012
  4. ESET Antivirus 2012
  5. Norton Antivirus 2012
  6. F-Secure Antivirus 2012
  7. Vipre Antivirus 2012
  8. TrendMicro Antivirus 2012
  9. ZoneAlarm Antivirus 2012
  10. Panda Antivirus 2012

Other Antivirus Programs

  1. Avira Antivirus 2012
  2. Avast Antivirus 2012
  3. Avanquest Antivirus 2012
  4. G Data Antivirus 2012
  5. Webroot Antivirus 2012
  6. PC Tools Antivirus 2012
  7. Comodo Antivirus 2012
  8. CA Antivirus 2012
  9. Norman Antivirus 2012
  10. AVG Antivirus 2012
  11. Sophos Endpoint Security 2012
  12. Quick Heal Antivirus 2012
  13. Microsoft Security Essentials 2012

Top Ten Antivirus Ratings

Most of these antivirus software have been tested extensively for their performance. The old versions have received ratings based on the performance to quickly detect viruses from infected systems and stop new viruses from infecting the computers. There is a very strong criteria that will be used to provide points to various antivirus software 2012. Another interesting factor that we are considering is the antivirus coupons, we will give scores to antivirus software companies that offer discount coupons from time to time. Although this is not a major factor, but many users value coupons because it is a good way to save money on security software. Although this factor will not inflate the original ratings, we are including it only to help people save money. These are the factors that will contribute to the scoring:
  • Speed: When it comes to computing, speed is an important aspect that we can’t neglect. It has been reported that some antivirus software are much slower in comparison to other antivirus software. Which means, some antivirus programs slow down a computer. Computer users (specially gamers) like using antivirus software that does not degrade the performance of a computer system. They enjoy using the fastest antivirus software.
  • Stealth: Many viruses and spyware are designed to deactivate antivirus programs so that they are not detected. Antivirus software should quickly detect such a threat and stop the virus from harming the system files. Those antivirus software will receive higher score that can not only defend against known viruses but also protect a computer system from new and unknown virus and spyware.
  • Detection: A good antivirus program will quickly detect infection and will take the necessary steps to quarantine the infected files in order to stop the virus from spreading to other system files. Only if security software has the capabilities of detecting infection, it can stop a virus/spyware. So this is a major aspect of security software. Many poorly designed security software cannot detect all forms of threat. However, only those antivirus software will be included in our top ten antivirus 2012 list that are capable of detecting all sorts of threats.
  • Technical Support: We will also provide scores depending upon the type of technical support and customer service provided by the antivirus software manufacturer. Only those programs will receive higher ratings that are bundled with quality support. We will also count on the type of support available: phone, chat, email, etc. When your computer system is infected with virus, spyware or other forms of malware, you need quick assistance. That’s when you need to contact someone who is technically equipped to assist you. Based on the quality of technical support, scores will be provided to various security software and hence will win a rank in our top ten antivirus 2012 list.
  • Price: Antivirus software should not be too costly, it should be reasonably priced. We will be comparing the price of antivirus software and will be providing scores based upon how cheap is the antivirus software. The cheapest and the best antivirus 2012 will receive higher rankings. People love saving money, so the cheapest antivirus software will receive higher scores.
These are some of the major factors we will be using to rate the best antivirus software of 2012. We will also include other factors like real-time scanning, frequency of updates, blocking phishing attempts, link scanning, IM protection, parental lock and lots more factors. However, we will majorly focus on the 5 key-points mentioned above. Based on these factors, we will provide our lab test reports that will show you which antivirus software is best for your computer in the year 2012. Most antivirus manufacturers will release their 2012 antivirus software sometime in May or June this year. If you have any questions or suggestions about this report of top ten antivirus 2012, please leave your review below by leaving a comment. ^^

Updating Firefox

Firefox automatically updates itself. This article explains how the update process works and how to manually check for updates.

How do automatic updates work?

By default, Firefox is configured to automatically check for updates.
  • Updates will be downloaded in the background and installed when you restart Firefox.
          • If an update has been waiting to be installed for more than 24 hours, you'll see a notification with the option to restart Firefox and install the update.                                                                                      

How do I manually check for updates?

At any time, you can check for updates.
  1. At the top of the Firefox window click the Firefox button, go over to the Help menu and select About FirefoxFor Windows XP: Go to the Help menu and select About Firefox.
  2. The About Firefox window will open and Firefox will begin checking for updates. If updates are available, they will begin downloading automatically. If Firefox is already up to date, just close the About Firefoxwindow.

3. When the updates are downloaded and ready to be installed, click Apply Update. Firefox will be restarted and the updates will be installed.

How do I configure update options?

You can configure Firefox to automatically check for updates or to disable automatic updating.
  1. At the top of the Firefox window, click on the Firefox button (Tools menu in Windows XP) and then clickOptions.
  2. Click the Advanced panel.
  3. Click the Update tab. The auto-update options are displayed.Update options:

4.   Update options:
  • Automatically check for updates to: Select the things you want Firefox to check. It can check for updates to the Firefox application, any installed add-ons (except for plugins — use the plugin check page to update them) and search engines.
    • To disable automatic checking for updates, deselect all three options.
      If you deselect the Firefox option, you will not receive critical security updates that may keep you safe online unless you frequently do a manual check for updates.
  • When updates to Firefox are found: Choose how you want Firefox to manage any found updates.
    • Ask me what I want to do: Firefox lets you choose if you want to download and install updates. If you do not choose to do so, you can download them at a later time.
    • Automatically download and install the update: Firefox automatically downloads and installs found updates. If you wish to be prompted if the downloads will disable any installed add-ons, select that option.
  • To review the history of updates that have been downloaded and installed, click Show Update History.
5.   Click OK to close the Options window.

Register a Sitemap with Google

A sitemap is like a Table of Contents for your website except instead of flipping pages to get to the page listed, you just click and you’re there. Sitemaps list all pages on your website and are a great way to help your customers find your information quickly and easily.
What many people don’t realise is that search engines also love sitemaps. Instead of crawling through your entire website trying to find everything, they can go directly to your sitemap. When you make updates to your website, your sitemap updates automatically so search engines and customers always see an up-to-date list. This is especially useful if you write blog posts or news.
To get more of your webpages listed on Google (not just your homepage) and to keep Google up to date with any changes to your website content, you should:
  1. Create a Search Engine-friendly Site Map
  2. Register the sitemap with Google through Webmaster Tools

How to Create a Sitemap for Google

(you may need to ask your Website designer to upload your sitemap files if you don’t have ftp access to your site)
  1. Download the XML Sitemap Plugin
  2. Activate the plugin on your website
  3. Create 2 empty files called sitemap.xml and sitemap.xml.gz and upload them to your main WordPress directory (the same place as the wp-config.php file)
  4. Change the permissions on these 2 files to 666
  5. Go to the new XML Sitemap page under your WordPress settings menu
  6. Click on build sitemap link at the top
  7. Change other settings as required

How to Register Your Sitemap with Google

(You will need a free Google account)
  1. Go to Google’s Webmaster Tools homepage
  2. Login using your Google username and password
  3. Click the Add Site button
  4. Type your website address in the box
  5. Verify Your site (upload an html file and upload using ftp or add a metatag to your WordPress theme’s header file above </head>)
  6. Select the Sitemaps tab on the left
  7. Click on Add General Sitemap
  8. Type sitemap.xml after your website address and submit.
The Results
Check back in about 24 hours to see if your pages have been listed. Before I registered my sitemap with Google, I had 3 webpages indexed by Google, now I have 98 pages indexed and a corresponding jump in traffic to my website.
Trust me its work's ^^